In a recent article dated in April of 2019, The Lancet journal suggested poor diet is responsible for more deaths than any other cause in the world. It stated that, “globally, consumption of nearly all healthy foods and nutrients was sub-optimal in 2017′. Poor diet was defined as either increased or reduced intake of food groups compared to what is recommended for healthy living.
With humans needing over 100 different nutrients, it is impossible to get any optimum food or diet to get all the nutrients that you need. On the other hand, people have been living on Earth for 50,000 years. That means nature has put in a mechanism for each one of us to obtain needed nutrients. This mechanism starts with the sensation of hunger.
Watch this video to learn my recommendations for an optimum diet:
When you eat food, if the food contains nutrients needed, then your brain will create the sensation of enjoyment. After a sufficient amount has passed through the mouth, the intensity of that enjoyment goes down. If you can stop eating at that time, you will prevent overeating.
For this to happen, nature has packaged all nutrients humans need in foods that require chewing, and when you chew food, nutrients are released at a controlled rate so that your taste buds and smell receptors can inform the brain of nutrients coming in.
For this to function efficiently, you can not rely on soft foods, blended foods, pureed foods, because you do not chew them enough.
Also you cannot consume foods with nutrient concentration higher than what is found in nature. I am referring to added salt and added sugar.
And lastly, you should not consume food that was not intended for humans. Here I am referring to grains. If nature wanted us to have grains we would have had beaks and the ability to digest the chaff. In fact, you can have a optimum diet without putting even a single kernel of whole grain in your mouth.
What you have to do is eat vegetables, eat roots, eat fruits, eat nuts, seeds, seafood, animal products. If you don’t have access to a variety of foods, consume herbs, spices and mushroom for additional nutrients and you can have a very well-balanced diet.
If you like this information please share it with others who have similar concerns. Thank you.
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