Recently, I was asked to comment on the coronavirus epidemic sweeping through the country and I would like to share with you the same information. Watch this short video or continue below to read the transcript to learn the 3 things you can do to protect yourself now.
There are seven coronaviruses that can infect humans. Most of them produce just colds but three of them are known to have effects in your lungs which can be serious. Coronavirus Covid-19 is the new one. There are no known preventive measures such as vaccination and there are no known treatments. So if anybody gives you advice on social media about medications, be careful.
I want you to go to a mirror and breathe on it or blow on it. You will see the mirror gets cloudy because water droplets are coming out from your lungs. If a person infected is coughing or sneezing, the same water droplets can carry viruses and it can go up to four (4) feet in front of them. If you happen to be in that area what droplets can come on your face and some can get in your nose.
The shape of the coronavirus has spikes on them. The tip of the spike has got a sensor that can attach itself to a receptor on the cell in the nose. If the virus gained access into the cell, the virus takes over the duplicating machinery in the cell and produces more copies of the virus. These viruses are ready to infect more cells or other people.
It takes 2 to 14 days of incubation for this to happen. During that time your immune system will activate itself, produce antibodies, which are protective caps that blocks the sensor. That is how you get better.
There are three ways you can protect yourself right now!
- Change your position when you are talking to somebody. Try not to be right in front of them especially within that four feet zone. If you have to be in front keep about five feet or preferably staying on the side so that when that person coughs the blast goes straight away from you, not towards you.
- Wash your hands because when you put hands down on a surface you don’t know whether somebody has already dropped the droplets on that surface. They can stay there for a few days so wash as often as you can. Especially take care of your thumb and wrist which many people miss.
- Drink hot water frequently. Remember, when we have an infection, the body increases the temperature and we develop a fever because the bacteria or viruses multiply best at regular body temperature. The body is trying to limit the growth of the bacteria. When you breathe in a virus, it is most likely in your nose and sinuses. So if you drink something hot, it doesn’t have to be great in quantity but frequency is more important. Whether it is water or tea or coffee or soup, the temperature in the mouth is elevated and the highest temperature can theoretically go into your nose and sinuses and reduce the multiplication rate of the virus. That gives the immune cells a chance to be active and get rid of all the virus infection.
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