Pharmacist Ben Interviews Dr. John About The Immune System

I really enjoyed my interview on the show "The Bright Side" earlier this week. We discussed the immune system and what we can do besides freak out.

I really enjoyed talking with Ben Fuchs, “Pharmacist Ben”, on his show “The Bright Side” earlier this week. We discussed the immune system and the difference between infection and symptoms. Just because you are infected does not mean that you will be diseased. We discussed the reason we are freaking out as a society over the coronavirus. We discussed strategies for supporting immunity and avoiding harmful bacterial infections. Ben wisely correlated microbial infection and cancer, which surprised me because most people do not think that way. After reviewing the systems of the body and the maladies we are dealing with, we came out with the truth: Each person needs to be in charge of their own health and you can build your immune system through eating plenty of vegetables.

The Bright Side with Pharmacist Ben is a fast-paced, entertaining and educational radio program that focuses on the latest, cutting edge ideas in health and fitness. Guaranteed to be a fun hour of weekly radio that will improve lives and empower day to day Ben Fuchs is Pharmacist Ben. Nutritional Pharmacist from Colorado. Founder of Truth Treatments Skin Care products, Youngevity rep & host of The Bright Side.

Over the past 20-some years, I have seen drug free recoveries from all matters of health issues. Diabetes, Hyper-Tension, Obesity, Skin Diseases like Acne and Rosacea, Fibromyalgia, Migraine Headaches, Auto-immune issues of all kinds, Digestive Ailments .. Recoveries that seem miraculous by the standards of modern medicine, but what is, in the world of The Body, only standard operating procedure. Because the Human Biological System is the Healing and Regenerating System. It’s designed Divinely to heal and renew itself on a moment to moment basis, and while it may seem it is a Miracle to “some folks”, this Renewing System is really nothing more than “business as usual” for the Human Body. It’s just the way it works.” ~Ben Fuchs

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Diabetes: The Real Cause & The Right Cure  

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