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November is Diabetes Awareness Month and today I want to bring awareness to your personal healthcare costs. From the moment you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, your health care costs go up due to many reasons, some of which have no discernible benefits. You are likely to incur expenses related to office visits not […]
Weight Gain and Obesity Are The Other Effects of Eating Grains A study published in the Lancet in May 2014, showed that worldwide, the population of adults with obesity increased between 1980 and 2013 from 28.8% to 36.9% in men, from 29% to 38% in women. During the same period, the prevalence of obesity increased […]
To Puree or to Chew – Part 2 Chewing connects you with your satiation signals. This is the second part of my argument why chewing is better than pureeing food. In the previous blog, I talked about why pureeing food is not a good choice for your eating habits. I discussed how chewing releases the nutrients in […]