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Does Fasting Really Work to Lose Weight? Everyone is aware that many religions practice some form of fasting as a religious observance. The practice has been occurring within various cultures for millennia with no known negative consequences. So long-term fasting as a way to control body weight would appear to be nothing more than a […]
I was recently asked to comment on a new Gallup poll that found only 54 percent of Americans pay attention to the nutrition information provided at restaurants. It raises the question: Why don’t people care about nutritional information when they’re eating out? Shouldn’t it be useful to know the nutrient content of the food you want to […]
This week’s post is the third part of a blog series presenting examples of widely-held beliefs about four topics— dietary fats, cholesterol, sugar, and exercise –that I suggest need to be revised and updated. This is important health information that Americans should be educated about to reduce the rising rates of obesity and diabetes in the US. […]
Artificial Sweeteners Are A Danger To Those with High Blood Sugar There is an important life-threatening consequence of diabetes that involves the use of artificial sweeteners that deserves special attention. One of the complications of Type 2 diabetes, beyond having high blood sugar, is that it typically raises the level of fats (triglycerides and cholesterol) […]
An April 2018 article published in a respected medical journal (BMJ Open) reviewed controlled experiments of adults who needed to eat a low-glycemic index diet. In the study, adults who ate pasta did not experience an adverse impact on their body weight compared to people who ate a higher-glycemic index diet. In fact, over 12 […]
In regard to David Leonhardt’s recent NYT article, How to Stop Eating Sugar, he rightly warns consumers that added sugar plays a significant role in causing the rising incidence of both obesity and diabetes in the US (and throughout the world). No one can argue with the fact that the sugar industry has erroneously sought to […]
Consuming grains creates a cycle of peaks and valleys in blood sugar which is unnatural compared to the old ways that humans ate. It is a perversion of human natural eating habits. It leads to weight gain and frequently high blood sugar, diabetes, and obesity. The human food intake system and regulatory behavior was established […]
You may think, given the vast amount of advertising you hear, that you can eat products that are gluten-free. If you are not certain what this means, but think that these foods are better for you, let me clarify the truth. Gluten is a protein found in many grains, especially wheat in all its forms […]
November is Diabetes Awareness Month and today I want to bring awareness to your personal healthcare costs. From the moment you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, your health care costs go up due to many reasons, some of which have no discernible benefits. You are likely to incur expenses related to office visits not […]
I have been writing about diabetes for several years, and now I am about to launch my newest book about cancer. I became interested in cancer about five years ago when I was diagnosed with it myself and had to face the fear and challenge of surviving it. If you have cancer, or know someone […]