
Dr. John Poothullil is:
  • Nationally syndicated on radio markets coast to coast and distributed by USA Business Radio.
  • On every major podcast platform including Apple Podcasts, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, Audible, and many more. 
  • Syndicated columnist as part of the Price of Business Digital Network. 

Learn more about the media presence at the USA Daily Postthe archive home of Dr. John Poothullil on the Price of Business Digital Network and USA Business Radio.

January 28, 2020

In November of last year, Diabetes Awareness Month, I was interviewed many times but I have to say this one stood out to me as the most fun.

January 22, 2020

My main lesson is that we can control our diet and prevent or reverse many conditions that destroy our health.

November 12, 2019

With humans needing over 100 different nutrients, it is impossible to get any optimum food or diet to get all the nutrients that you need. On the other hand, people have been living on Earth for 50,000 years. That means nature has put in a mechanism for each one of us to obtain needed nutrients. This mechanism starts with the sensation of hunger.

September 25, 2019

You can lose weight by eating less but how do you know you are getting what you need nutritionally?

August 20, 2019

In 2016 the American Psychological Association reviewed a pattern of salt intake and reported a staggering 90% of Americans consume too much salt. People are getting more dependent on salt and craving salty foods. What is wrong with that?

August 7, 2019

For a long time, everybody believed red meat is bad compared to white meat. Now the first question is what is cholesterol used for in the body?

July 2, 2019

How many food items are there in nature that adult humans can eat without chewing? Practically none. Why is this important?

April 3, 2019

A certain type of nutrition seems to be the key factor in keeping people free from lifestyle diseases while another type of nutrition contributes to ensuring that large numbers of people develop lifestyle diseases. Why?

March 6, 2019

Did you know March is National Nutrition Month? This week I want to discuss your blood work and what some of the results truly mean about your health.

February 19, 2019

The following post and video are part of my series entitled, How the Myth of Insulin Resistance is Sustained. I invite you, the public, to share this with your endocrinologist at your next appointment if you have diabetes.