Learn more about the media presence at the USA Daily Post, the archive home of Dr. John Poothullil on the Price of Business Digital Network and USA Business Radio.
The Strong Linkage of Weight Gain, Diabetes and Cancer Weight gain has long been a recognized risk factor for diabetes, and recently, weight gain and diabetes combined have been associated with an increased risk for several cancers. In fact, a 10-year lag between someone having elevated blood sugar in the diabetic range and the incidence […]
Everyone knows that a majority of cancers detected at an early stage do not cause death. The reason is that cancer cells do not release toxins to damage other cells in vital organs, nor do they invade and destroy cells in neighboring organs, even though they may infiltrate into their space. This helps explain why […]
I had the pleasure of joining the TV show, Portland Today, last week to share my new book Surviving Cancer. I invite you to view the replay of my segment here. During the discussion, I am asked many questions about why I suggest people avoid grains if they want to prevent cancer or keep a cancer from […]
This Saturday, February 4th, is World Cancer Day and the theme over the last two years has been “We Can, I Can”. This day is about spreading awareness not just to the disease itself but also to the fact that YOU can do something to fight cancer. This day promotes taking better care of yourself […]
This week I announce that the Surviving Cancer eBook is now available on Amazon. Surviving Cancer is the valuable and insightful book for anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer, has a family history of cancer, or has a loved one with cancer. Dr. Poothullil expertly guides readers on a journey to understand how cancer starts, how it survives […]
You may think, given the vast amount of advertising you hear, that you can eat products that are gluten-free. If you are not certain what this means, but think that these foods are better for you, let me clarify the truth. Gluten is a protein found in many grains, especially wheat in all its forms […]
Surviving Cancer explains in very clear language a great deal of information about cancer that is vital to know if you have cancer or you know someone with cancer. Order the book today on Amazon and you will learn about the causes of cancer, how it forms and spreads, and what you can do to be in control […]
To Puree or to Chew – Part 2 Chewing connects you with your satiation signals. This is the second part of my argument why chewing is better than pureeing food. In the previous blog, I talked about why pureeing food is not a good choice for your eating habits. I discussed how chewing releases the nutrients in […]
The Link Between Diabetes and Cancer There is a link between diabetes and cancer, though most people are unaware of it, and how it occurs will surprise you. Cancer is the result of uncontrolled growth of cells compared to normal tissue cells. The cause of this uncontrolled growth are gene mutations inside a cell, as […]