Learn more about the media presence at the USA Daily Post, the archive home of Dr. John Poothullil on the Price of Business Digital Network and USA Business Radio.
I was recently asked to comment on a new Gallup poll that found only 54 percent of Americans pay attention to the nutrition information provided at restaurants. It raises the question: Why don’t people care about nutritional information when they’re eating out? Shouldn’t it be useful to know the nutrient content of the food you want to […]
This week’s post is the third part of a blog series presenting examples of widely-held beliefs about four topics— dietary fats, cholesterol, sugar, and exercise –that I suggest need to be revised and updated. This is important health information that Americans should be educated about to reduce the rising rates of obesity and diabetes in the US. […]
This week’s post is the first part of a blog series presenting examples of widely-held beliefs about four topics—dietary fats, cholesterol, sugar, and exercise –that I suggest need to be revised and updated. This is important health information that Americans should be educated about to reduce the rising rates of obesity and diabetes in the […]
Artificial Sweeteners Are A Danger To Those with High Blood Sugar There is an important life-threatening consequence of diabetes that involves the use of artificial sweeteners that deserves special attention. One of the complications of Type 2 diabetes, beyond having high blood sugar, is that it typically raises the level of fats (triglycerides and cholesterol) […]