
Dr. John Poothullil is:
  • Nationally syndicated on radio markets coast to coast and distributed by USA Business Radio.
  • On every major podcast platform including Apple Podcasts, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, Audible, and many more. 
  • Syndicated columnist as part of the Price of Business Digital Network. 

Learn more about the media presence at the USA Daily Postthe archive home of Dr. John Poothullil on the Price of Business Digital Network and USA Business Radio.

January 22, 2020

My main lesson is that we can control our diet and prevent or reverse many conditions that destroy our health.

September 10, 2019

Most people concerned about weight-related medical problems tried dieting. They try these “diets” a few times and finally decide on bariatric surgery. I have another idea.

October 3, 2018

Does Fasting Really Work to Lose Weight? Everyone is aware that many religions practice some form of fasting as a religious observance. The practice has been occurring within various cultures for millennia with no known negative consequences. So long-term fasting as a way to control body weight would appear to be nothing more than a […]

July 25, 2018

Let’s talk about nutrition. Science has identified 118 nutrients that are used at some time for human health. No one knows with certainty how much of each of these your body actually needs, whether some nutrients perform multiple functions, or whether different combinations of nutrients can accomplish the same functions as other combinations of nutrients. […]

June 19, 2018

New research by the University of Melbourne and Cancer Council Victoria, published in NeuroImage: Clinical in 2018 suggested that graphic warnings on junk food packaging would prove an effective deterrent to consumers when deciding what to eat by making people consider the health implications of their choices. But is this true? Before I answer the question, consider the […]

May 9, 2018

Artificial Sweeteners Are A Danger To Those with High Blood Sugar There is an important life-threatening consequence of diabetes that involves the use of artificial sweeteners that deserves special attention. One of the complications of Type 2 diabetes, beyond having high blood sugar, is that it typically raises the level of fats (triglycerides and cholesterol) […]

March 21, 2018

Making an effort to change your eating behavior over time will eventually allow you to take full control of your health. Your diet is actually one of most critical factors in keeping you healthy and free of chronic conditions such as high blood sugar and diabetes (and even cancer). Helping people return to health is […]

February 21, 2018

The Strong Linkage of Weight Gain, Diabetes and Cancer Weight gain has long been a recognized risk factor for diabetes, and recently, weight gain and diabetes combined have been associated with an increased risk for several cancers.  In fact, a 10-year lag between someone having elevated blood sugar in the diabetic range and the incidence […]

February 14, 2018

Everyone knows that a majority of cancers detected at an early stage do not cause death. The reason is that cancer cells do not release toxins to damage other cells in vital organs, nor do they invade and destroy cells in neighboring organs, even though they may infiltrate into their space. This helps explain why […]

January 24, 2018

This week I announce that the Surviving Cancer eBook is now available on Amazon. Surviving Cancer is the valuable and insightful book for anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer, has a family history of cancer, or has a loved one with cancer. Dr. Poothullil expertly guides readers on a journey to understand how cancer starts, how it survives […]