Proven Diabetes Reversal Summit

Diabetes can be undone. I will be a featured speaker at the virtual Proven Diabetes Reversal Summit.

Proven Diabetes Reversal – Secrets Every Health Professional Should Know!

With Dr. John Poothullil and Lucia Tiffany

On Monday, August 1st, I will be a featured speaker at the virtual Proven Diabetes Reversal Summit. I want you to meet my friend, Lucia Tiffany. Lucia is a nurse with over 40 years of experience helping people prevent and reverse diabetes. She’s seen how truly life-changing reversing diabetes can be, which is why she believes more health professionals need to know how simple this can be and start incorporating it into their practices and offering it to their patients.

She’s personally seen the differences that lifestyle interventions make in the outcome of a diabetes diagnosis. This inspired her to spread the word on how to treat the actual cause of the disease instead of just battling the symptoms.

There is a chance for everyone to undo diabetes and live a healthier and happier life!

To spread the word, she decided to host an online summit to help medical professionals with diabetes, or their clients, get a better handle on how to optimize blood sugars and long-term health by working with the body instead of against it. 

This life-changing online summit is called Proven Diabetes Reversal, and I’ll be a speaker at this summit, so I got a complimentary ticket for you.

All you have to do to book a spot and claim your complimentary ticket is click here.

It’s an amazing chance for you to help yourself and the people around you, and it all starts with the click of a button!

You can watch from your home, office, or on the go. So what’s holding you back?

This summit is for anyone who wants to learn how to lower blood sugars by attacking root causes.

Here’s some of what we’ll cover at the summit:

  • Secrets to motivational endurance.
  • How to eat more and weigh less.
  • How to optimize carbohydrate metabolism so you can enjoy fruit every day.
  • Explore the Mind-body connection in diabetes
  • How to lower blood sugars, insulin resistance and A1c numbers – all at the same time!
  • How to find time for self-care (super important for caregivers!)

And much more!

You have the chance to listen to a panel of a dozen + experts who are here to help you reverse diabetes and normalize blood sugars without fighting your body and feeling deprived. 

It’s an opportunity for you to have more agency and take control of your health!

And you don’t have to do it all on your own. We’re here for you and we’re on this journey together. Your road back to health starts NOW.

If you know someone who needs this, you can also take part in changing their life! Share this link with them, and they’ll get complimentary tickets from me too!

See you there,


Your Health Is at Risk 

In 2020, there were over 122 million people in the U.S. diagnosed with elevated blood glucose, 34 million with the diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, and 88 million diagnosed with prediabetes, yet their hope for healthy living is thwarted by medical dogma, disinformation, misinformation, and missing information.

Disinformation, Misinformation, and Missing Information, which is abbreviated “DMMI”, fuels growing health illiteracy and unhealthy lifestyle choices. This drives not only increases in Type 2 diabetes but also cancer, cardiovascular diseases, COVID-19, and other illnesses considered lifestyle diseases.

As described in my 5th book, Your Health Is at Risk, a literate person in today’s world is aware that the traditional media and social media are swarming with intentional disinformation about many topics, from politics to finances, to health advice and diet plans. Literacy, critical thinking, and a tolerance for reading scientific material are absolutely necessary to detect such disinformation.


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