Dear Readers,
They say that there are only six degrees of separation between one person and anyone other person in the world. I am publishing this post in the hopes that, through a chain of people, I can eventually reach Mr. Alex Azar, Secretary at the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Please read this letter yourselves and watch the video. Then if you know someone who might know someone who might know someone, and so on, until it gets to Mr. Azar, I would greatly appreciate your assistance.
Dear Mr. Azar:
Under your guidance, the U.S Department of Health & Human Services spends taxpayer money to enhance and promote the health and wellbeing of all Americans. With more than 29 million Americans having diabetes and another 86 million adults in the United States diagnosed with prediabetes, the economic cost of diabetes in the US health care system was over $245 billion in 2017 and is certainly increasing each year.
I am writing you to ask that you look seriously at the theory of insulin resistance as the established cause of Type 2 diabetes and the driving force behind the treatment of Type 2 diabetes being focused on medications and insulin injections. I submit that Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle condition, not a hormonal disease, and the insulin resistance theory is an incorrect and scientifically unproven analysis as the cause of high blood sugar.
The National Institutes of Health under your control is funding diabetes studies based on this unproven concept of insulin resistance. Similarly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, through the Division of Diabetes Translation, conduct and support studies, often in collaboration with other partners, to develop and apply supposedly sound science to reduce the burden of diabetes. However, the validity of the concept of insulin resistance has never been verified in a true scientific way. No studies have ever proven the mechanism or measurement of insulin resistance.
Mr. Azar, sir, I implore you to curtail funding research based on bad science and to stop payment for medications, gadgets, and services claimed through this miscarriage of science. The US needs to refocus its efforts to reduce the rising incidence of diabetes by educating the public about diet and exercise, particularly diet. This is the true cause of high blood sugar and Type 2 diabetes. Humans are not evolving to be insulin resistant; they are simply overeating and causing a normal biological response in digestion and cellular energy production go haywire such that the body stops burning glucose, leaving it in the bloodstream.
Thank you for reading this. I am Dr. John Poothullil Poothullil, a retired MD. I have spent 20 years studying the medical literature on Type 2 diabetes, and this research is the basis of my insight into why the incidence of diabetes is increasing throughout the world, not declining. I invite you to contact me for more information. I would be happy to explain to you why insulin resistance is biologically impossible as the cause of Type 2 diabetes and how another explanation is far more scientifically logical.
I do not sell any gadgets, supplements or dietary programs and I am not a proponent of any product. I am motivated only to help America lower the frightening rising incidence of Type 2 diabetes and reduce the huge personal and financial costs it has on all of us.
John Poothullil, MD, FRCP
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