Let’s Get Healthy, a podcast on People’s Rx, hosted by Brad Swail and Dr. Vinay Parameswara of Oak Hill Wellness Clinic, invited me on their show discussing our eating habits and going out to eat.
A recent Gallop report shared just about how many people pay attention to nutritional information at restaurants and if they are even helpful. My suggestion is always to look at the babies, the babies of humans and of other animals. We all have an inborn mechanism to to take in the nutrients the body needs at any given time. As long as you eat while you are hungry, you will not over eat.
What do calories tell you? Nothing. What is the nutritional value of the food you are consuming? You can lose weight by restricting your calories but once you lose the weight, how do you maintain it? Listen to your own body, be the CEO of your own body by listening to all the mechanisms you have to take care of you.
In the last 40 years, worldwide obesity has tripled and 40% of Americans are obese, but developed or underdeveloped nations we are seeing an increase, why? Grains, the over-consumption is everywhere. Grains are so “in-grained” into the culture, how do we effect change there? 70 years ago less than 30% of intake was grains, now it is 50% in developed and in underdeveloped nations, grain subsidies have sent grain consumption to 70%. We need to get back to 30%.
After age 6, children start listening to their parents and gradually there is a disconnect between hunger mechanisms and what we eat. How does the brain know how you have drank enough water? The taste buds are metering what is going down, and you stop drinking when your thirst is quenched. Same thing happens with food, you need to chew so the natural mechanisms of quality control can work.
Tune into my segment at minutes 07:03-23:00:
Eat a varied diet and enjoy what you eat!
It is not how much you eat, it is how you eat and what you eat. Look at the level of joy when you eat! Trust in your own sub-conscious mind, it will take care of you!
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