This article about hunger was originally posted in the Daily Mail USA.
To understand hunger, you don’t need to look any further than the mechanism by which babies regulate their consumption of milk, or toddlers regulate their consumption of food. If you think about it, both infants and toddlers decide on their own when to eat, what to eat, and how much to eat to thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally. When you were an infant and then a toddler, this is what you did. So today, to lose weight, you need to alter your eating habits, so you can eat as you did decades ago. I call it “eating like a toddler.”
Infants and toddlers only eat in response to the “hunger signal.” And they stop eating in response to the “satiation signal.” They do not keep eating even if there is food left on the plate. Let me define these two signals.

Hunger signal: Have you ever wondered about the fact that you can never predict precisely when you are going to feel hungry? You probably know, logically and from experience, that you tend to eat every few hours, but what causes the brain to generate the actual sensation of hunger? I suggest that hunger is the feeling that the brain produces to indicate when your body needs nutrients. However, with the body needing over 100 different nutrients for healthy functioning, what makes the brain decide when to create the sensation of hunger?
In my view, the brain is likely responding to cells throughout the body, calling for a variety of nutrients, not just a single one. When the total need of nutrients reaches some threshold level, the brain generates that very recognizable sensation of hunger you feel. To lose weight, see if you can avoid eating until you truly feel hungry.
Satiation signal: We usually do not drink liquids until our stomach is full. We stop drinking when our thirst is quenched, according to a signal the brain sends us. Similarly, the brain sends us a signal that we have eaten enough. If you pay attention to chewing your food, you will notice that the taste of the food you are eating becomes less and less enjoyable. This is the brain telling you that, for the present moment, enough needed nutrients from that food have entered the body.

The problem is, that most of us get used to eating until our stomach is full. Even if we do not enjoy the food as much as those first bites, we keep eating until the stomach sends a signal to the brain, saying “Enough, I can’t take in any more, please stop.” This is effectively a backup signal that the brain sends to stop eating.
Why do so many people disregard the loss of enjoyment signal and keep eating until the full stomach signal alerts them? In my view, it has to do with the habit of overeating we have developed, for any or all of the three reasons cited above, in our youth, when there appear to be no consequences. The brain can’t alert you, during a meal, to the long-term consequences of overeating. We do not usually gain much weight at that age, nor incur high blood sugar, so we start believing that overeating is all right once in a while. Later it becomes a regular eating pattern.
To lose weight, you must therefore become conscious of when you are truly hungry and when your brain signals you to stop eating. Think, as I have said, that you need to start “eating like a toddler.”
As a best-selling author and Nationally Syndicated Columnist, Dr. John Poothullil, advocates for patients struggling with the effects of adverse lifestyle conditions.
Dr. John’s books, available on Amazon, have educated and inspired readers to take charge of their health. There are many steps you can take to make changes in your health, but Dr. John also empowers us that we must demand certain changes in our healthcare system as well. This article is an excerpt taken from “Diabetes: The Real Cause and the Right Cure”, now available in a second edition.
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Whether you were recently diagnosed or have had Type 2 diabetes for years, this book will open your eyes to new thinking about the real cause and an actual cure based on scientific thinking.
Understanding Dr. John’s explanation for the cause of diabetes opens the door to reversing it. The book provides an easy-to-implement 8-step program that will truly lower your blood sugar for good.
This new edition contains updated information and a new Appendix with over 20 FAQs about diabetes that are critical to your commitment to change your approach to eating.