I had a great in-depth conversation on the program Mission Unstoppable with host Frankie Picasso. Below I picked out an excerpt where I focused on cell matabolism and what that means for you and your eating habits. Watch the interview and read below. This holiday season I remind you to hold back on grain-based foods and enjoy the may flavors of holiday meals.
Type 2 insulin is present, but still the glucose level is high. So why is that? If you look at the website of the national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney disease they will say type 2 diabetes starts when three types of cells: the liver, the fat, and the muscles don’t respond to insulin. This is the so-called insulin resistance theory. Now the problem is nobody has validated this concept in any science, any branch of science.
Before a concept is accepted as true or fact iy has to go through a three-step validation. The first is logic does it make sense human body has 200 different types of cell but only three become resistant. Why? Yeah who chose these three? Such if they became a union and decided one day from tomorrow we are not going to respond to insulin but you have to have a reason and nobody has given us a reason.
Now there are four different hormones that is intimately tagged with minute by minute control of blood glucose level. So why did these cells speak on insulin? What is the reason? Nobody knows. So the logic fails.
The second is the mechanism. What is the mechanism that’s not working? Is the door ball not ringing is a signal not going to the gene in charge or is the gene incapacitated or is there something wrong with the wagon to load up glucose? Nobody knows and again this is the same defect in every one of these three cell sides. Again, no mechanism has been designed.
The third criteria is measurement. There is no test to directly measure the intensity or degree of insulin resistance at any one of these sites. So if you get a complication, is it because your insulin resistance is getting worse? How do you know if you give somebody an insulin injection and the blood glucose level goes down. Does that mean your insulin resistance is lower now? How do you know without a test.
By the way, when you inject somebody with insulin. the glucose level goes down. Where does that glucose go?
It does not go out of the body. Most people when they start insulin injections they gain weight so what do you think happened to that glucose? It turned the fat. It was converted into fat when it is the fat that blocks your arteries and creates all the complications.
So what is it about insulin and insulin resistance that causes the neuropathy or the problems with their feet and the amputation?
Because this fat that insulin instructs the liver to convert glucose into fat that fat blocks the blood vessels so the new the nerve cells don’t get enough nutrients and they cannot function.
Diabetes: The Real Cause & The Right Cure. 8 Steps to Reverse Your Diabetes in 8 Weeks If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, this informative yet easy to use book that will help you or a loved one reverse it in 8 weeks. My plan will also help you to remain diabetes free as you will take this on as a lifestyle. Make better choices and take ownership of your health today. Get the Book on Amazon
Your Lot and Parcel Interview with Dr. John
Now you can start making healthy steps while simply listening to the book!!! Click on this image to get the audiobook
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as in type 1 diabetes, which usually happens in children. The cells are starving and patients used to die by the age of 10 until one of the great canadian scientists or two of them discovered insulin. Then when they started injecting insulin these children survived their normal life. That’s the same as type one, you’re born with it and but type two is something you give to yourself.
Type 2 insulin is present, but still the glucose level is high. So why is that? If you look at the website of the national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney disease they will say type 2 diabetes starts when three types of cells: the liver, the fat, and the muscles don’t respond to insulin. This is the so-called insulin resistance theory. Now the problem is nobody has validated this concept in any science, any branch of science.
Before a concept is accepted as true or fact iy has to go through a three-step validation. The first is logic does it make sense human body has 200 different types of cell but only three become resistant. Why? Yeah who chose these three? Such if they became a union and decided one day from tomorrow we are not going to respond to insulin but you have to have a reason and nobody has given us a reason.
Now there are four different hormones that is intimately tagged with minute by minute control of blood glucose level. So why did these cells speak on insulin? What is the reason? Nobody knows. So the logic fails.
The second is the mechanism. What is the mechanism that’s not working? Is the door ball not ringing is a signal not going to the gene in charge or is the gene incapacitated or is there something wrong with the wagon to load up glucose? Nobody knows and again this is the same defect in every one of these three cell sides. Again, no mechanism has been designed.
The third criteria is measurement. There is no test to directly measure the intensity or degree of insulin resistance at any one of these sites. So if you get a complication, is it because your insulin resistance is getting worse? How do you know if you give somebody an insulin injection and the blood glucose level goes down. Does that mean your insulin resistance is lower now? How do you know without a test.
By the way, when you inject somebody with insulin. the glucose level goes down. Where does that glucose go?
It does not go out of the body. Most people when they start insulin injections they gain weight so what do you think happened to that glucose? It turned the fat. It was converted into fat when it is the fat that blocks your arteries and creates all the complications.
So what is it about insulin and insulin resistance that causes the neuropathy or the problems with their feet and the amputation?
Because this fat that insulin instructs the liver to convert glucose into fat that fat blocks the blood vessels so the new the nerve cells don’t get enough nutrients and they cannot function.
Diabetes: The Real Cause & The Right Cure. 8 Steps to Reverse Your Diabetes in 8 Weeks If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, this informative yet easy to use book that will help you or a loved one reverse it in 8 weeks. My plan will also help you to remain diabetes free as you will take this on as a lifestyle. Make better choices and take ownership of your health today. Get the Book on Amazon
Your Lot and Parcel Interview with Dr. John
Now you can start making healthy steps while simply listening to the book!!! Click on this image to get the audiobook
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you need to know how insulin works.
Insulin is a hormone released from your own pancreas in response to elevation of blood glucose, also known as blood sugar. Glucose is a molecule that every cell can use as a fuel to extract energy but how does the cell know there is glucose outside?
If you live in an apartment or a house when the doorbell rings you know there is somebody outside but still you have to go and open the door. Now the glucose molecule has no door bell on the cell wall to ring and let the cell know. That is the role of insulin. It is insulin that rings the doorbell to let the cell know there is glucose outside. Then the glucose asks the cell has to send in a wagon, a glucose transporter, to the door, open the door, load the glucose molecules and bring them in.
Now you can imagine if insulin is absent as in type 1 diabetes, which usually happens in children. The cells are starving and patients used to die by the age of 10 until one of the great canadian scientists or two of them discovered insulin. Then when they started injecting insulin these children survived their normal life. That’s the same as type one, you’re born with it and but type two is something you give to yourself.
Type 2 insulin is present, but still the glucose level is high. So why is that? If you look at the website of the national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney disease they will say type 2 diabetes starts when three types of cells: the liver, the fat, and the muscles don’t respond to insulin. This is the so-called insulin resistance theory. Now the problem is nobody has validated this concept in any science, any branch of science.
Before a concept is accepted as true or fact iy has to go through a three-step validation. The first is logic does it make sense human body has 200 different types of cell but only three become resistant. Why? Yeah who chose these three? Such if they became a union and decided one day from tomorrow we are not going to respond to insulin but you have to have a reason and nobody has given us a reason.
Now there are four different hormones that is intimately tagged with minute by minute control of blood glucose level. So why did these cells speak on insulin? What is the reason? Nobody knows. So the logic fails.
The second is the mechanism. What is the mechanism that’s not working? Is the door ball not ringing is a signal not going to the gene in charge or is the gene incapacitated or is there something wrong with the wagon to load up glucose? Nobody knows and again this is the same defect in every one of these three cell sides. Again, no mechanism has been designed.
The third criteria is measurement. There is no test to directly measure the intensity or degree of insulin resistance at any one of these sites. So if you get a complication, is it because your insulin resistance is getting worse? How do you know if you give somebody an insulin injection and the blood glucose level goes down. Does that mean your insulin resistance is lower now? How do you know without a test.
By the way, when you inject somebody with insulin. the glucose level goes down. Where does that glucose go?
It does not go out of the body. Most people when they start insulin injections they gain weight so what do you think happened to that glucose? It turned the fat. It was converted into fat when it is the fat that blocks your arteries and creates all the complications.
So what is it about insulin and insulin resistance that causes the neuropathy or the problems with their feet and the amputation?
Because this fat that insulin instructs the liver to convert glucose into fat that fat blocks the blood vessels so the new the nerve cells don’t get enough nutrients and they cannot function.
Diabetes: The Real Cause & The Right Cure. 8 Steps to Reverse Your Diabetes in 8 Weeks If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, this informative yet easy to use book that will help you or a loved one reverse it in 8 weeks. My plan will also help you to remain diabetes free as you will take this on as a lifestyle. Make better choices and take ownership of your health today. Get the Book on Amazon
Your Lot and Parcel Interview with Dr. John
Now you can start making healthy steps while simply listening to the book!!! Click on this image to get the audiobook
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Diabetes is diagnosed when your blood glucose level is high. and higher than normal staying high. There are two types of diabetes: type 1, where insulin is absent. Type 2 where insulin is present. To understand the significance of that you need to know how insulin works.
Insulin is a hormone released from your own pancreas in response to elevation of blood glucose, also known as blood sugar. Glucose is a molecule that every cell can use as a fuel to extract energy but how does the cell know there is glucose outside?
If you live in an apartment or a house when the doorbell rings you know there is somebody outside but still you have to go and open the door. Now the glucose molecule has no door bell on the cell wall to ring and let the cell know. That is the role of insulin. It is insulin that rings the doorbell to let the cell know there is glucose outside. Then the glucose asks the cell has to send in a wagon, a glucose transporter, to the door, open the door, load the glucose molecules and bring them in.
Now you can imagine if insulin is absent as in type 1 diabetes, which usually happens in children. The cells are starving and patients used to die by the age of 10 until one of the great canadian scientists or two of them discovered insulin. Then when they started injecting insulin these children survived their normal life. That’s the same as type one, you’re born with it and but type two is something you give to yourself.
Type 2 insulin is present, but still the glucose level is high. So why is that? If you look at the website of the national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney disease they will say type 2 diabetes starts when three types of cells: the liver, the fat, and the muscles don’t respond to insulin. This is the so-called insulin resistance theory. Now the problem is nobody has validated this concept in any science, any branch of science.
Before a concept is accepted as true or fact iy has to go through a three-step validation. The first is logic does it make sense human body has 200 different types of cell but only three become resistant. Why? Yeah who chose these three? Such if they became a union and decided one day from tomorrow we are not going to respond to insulin but you have to have a reason and nobody has given us a reason.
Now there are four different hormones that is intimately tagged with minute by minute control of blood glucose level. So why did these cells speak on insulin? What is the reason? Nobody knows. So the logic fails.
The second is the mechanism. What is the mechanism that’s not working? Is the door ball not ringing is a signal not going to the gene in charge or is the gene incapacitated or is there something wrong with the wagon to load up glucose? Nobody knows and again this is the same defect in every one of these three cell sides. Again, no mechanism has been designed.
The third criteria is measurement. There is no test to directly measure the intensity or degree of insulin resistance at any one of these sites. So if you get a complication, is it because your insulin resistance is getting worse? How do you know if you give somebody an insulin injection and the blood glucose level goes down. Does that mean your insulin resistance is lower now? How do you know without a test.
By the way, when you inject somebody with insulin. the glucose level goes down. Where does that glucose go?
It does not go out of the body. Most people when they start insulin injections they gain weight so what do you think happened to that glucose? It turned the fat. It was converted into fat when it is the fat that blocks your arteries and creates all the complications.
So what is it about insulin and insulin resistance that causes the neuropathy or the problems with their feet and the amputation?
Because this fat that insulin instructs the liver to convert glucose into fat that fat blocks the blood vessels so the new the nerve cells don’t get enough nutrients and they cannot function.
Diabetes: The Real Cause & The Right Cure. 8 Steps to Reverse Your Diabetes in 8 Weeks If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, this informative yet easy to use book that will help you or a loved one reverse it in 8 weeks. My plan will also help you to remain diabetes free as you will take this on as a lifestyle. Make better choices and take ownership of your health today. Get the Book on Amazon
Your Lot and Parcel Interview with Dr. John
Now you can start making healthy steps while simply listening to the book!!! Click on this image to get the audiobook
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