October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I created this short video discussing my theories on Cancer and I share the one thing you can do right now if you carry and inherited cancer gene. Watch the video and follow along below with the transcript.
Gene mutations are thought to be responsible for breast cancers. 10% of mutations are inherited. The rest are caused by radiation or exposure to cancer-causing chemicals. What you may not have realized is that a cell with mutated genes does not automatically produce cancer.
In order to produce cancer the cell has to accomplish two things; uncontrolled multiplication and escape from the immune system. Cancer is called a lifestyle condition. Let me explain the experience of Native Americans to illustrate this point.
Right now they suffer a cancer rate higher than that of the white population. However, in the year 1900, they experienced a cancer rate less than one half of that of the white population, despite the fact that they had older age people 95 and over, 10 times more compared to the white population per 100,000 people.
How did this happen? A cancer stem cell needs energy as well as materials to construct new cells. They use glucose molecules to accomplish both energy production and constructing new cells. The modern day diet of grains and grain flour products release enormous amounts of glucose into the bloodstream after each meal and cancer cells use this to reproduce.
Keep in mind Native Americans did not consume cultivated grains before they were moved to reservations.
My suggestion is if you have inherited a mutated gene, cut down the intake of grains and grain flour products to one half of what you are consuming now to slow down the multiplication of cancer cells in your body.
If you are already diagnosed, again reduce the intake of grains and grain flour products to one half of what you are eating now to slow down the rate of growth of cancer cells and perhaps lower the dosage of medications needed while suffering less side effects.

When Your Child Has Cancer: Insights and Information to Empower Parents
I hope you help me share that my fourth book is now available on Amazon, the second on the topic of cancer. If you are the parent of a child with cancer, the questions and feelings you have can be overwhelming. In this insightful and thoughtful book, you will find information, hope, advice, and solace.
When Your Child Has Cancer expertly guides you to understand childhood cancer. I offer two new scientific theories to explain how the leading types of childhood cancers might occur, given that children have not lived long enough to develop the number of gene mutations that usually cause adult cancers. You will learn how you as parents can care for your child with cancer.
Most importantly, you will learn how your child’s diet can be a key corollary element in controlling cancer along with the medical treatments.