Dr. John Phoothullil on Diabetes Care & Nutritional Strategies for Cancer

Dr. John Poothullil is interviewed by Kevin Price, Host of Price of Business on Diabetes Care and writes an article on nutritional strategies for cancer.

This week we are sharing an article and audio segment. The article is about explores the link between modern diets, particularly high carbohydrate intake, and the rising incidence of cancer, suggesting that reducing glucose availability through dietary changes, such as avoiding grain-based foods, may help manage cancer growth. It was originally posted in the TheDailyTelegraphUSA.

Cancer has been reported to be very rare among uncivilized hunter-gatherer societies, such as the Native Americans. No matter how we analyze it, the exact reason for hunter-gatherer people experiencing lower cancer incidences is difficult to establish with any degree of certainty. However, we could look for a significant correlation between environmental food cues such as high blood sugar and the development of cancer in modern humans as an explanation.

They ate almost no cultivated grains. Rather, they derived their energy from foods probably more like what we today call the “paleo diet,” consisting of meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and roots. They did not eat bread, cakes, cookies, and so many other products made with grain flour. 

The amount of carbohydrates that we moderns consume is more likely the explanation for the global increase in the incidence of cancer.

The easy availability of glucose is, in my opinion, the main promoter of rapid cancer multiplication, overpowering the capabilities of immune cells to destroy them. Since cancer cells don’t use fatty acids to produce energy for multiplication, if they are deprived of their preferred fuel, glucose, they starve. In addition to energy, a cancer cell can obtain from glucose molecules the carbon skeletons needed for the fabrication of every amino acid, genetic material, fattyacid, or other metabolic intermediaries needed for its growth.

Therefore, starving cancer cells is the best course of action for the individual to take to survive. This makes it imperative for him/her to use dietary modifications – curtailing the intake of grain-based foods – as an integral part of cancer containment.

The second part of the action plan is to keep the immune system strong enough to detect and destroy cancer cells that keep multiplying. The best evidence for this is the abundance of precancerous and cancer cells in the developing fetus.

The immune system destroys the vast majority of unwanted cells before the baby is born

For the generation and maintenance of a robust immune system, one needs over 100 different nutrients. No single food, meal, or supplement can provide the body with all the necessary nutrients in a timely fashion. I suggest that you consume at least three different fruits, three types of nuts, and three vegetables on a daily basis, along with your non-vegetarian items to allow the body to select nutrients needed on a daily basis.

Shortcomings: Patients will still experience the fear and anxiety associated with cancer diagnosis. Some may feel apprehensive about the knowledge of viable cancer cells residing in the body. We still need to find ways to destroy as many existing cancer cells as possible so that the remaining ones do not interfere with normal body functions and can be contained with minimal interventions.

The main objective of not feeding your cancer is to limit the amount of cancer treatments so that any long-term problems associated with their use can be minimized while prolonging the lifespan and improving its quality. A secondary benefit could be that a person aware of the presence of cancer cells in the body could be more diligent in maintaining a healthy lifestyle so that he/she can live and thrive with cancer.

Down below is the following audio segment, which first appeared on USABusinessRadio, features me being interviewed by Kevin Price, host of Price of Business. We discussed my fascinating background, credentials, and my newest book,”Diabetes: The Real Cause and the Right Cure, 2nd Edition: 8 Steps to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes in 8 Weeks. 

As a best-selling author and Nationally Syndicated Columnist, Dr. John Poothullil, advocates for patients struggling with the effects of adverse lifestyle conditions.

Dr. John’s books, available on Amazon, have educated and inspired readers to take charge of their health. There are many steps you can take to make changes in your health, but Dr. John also empowers us that we must demand certain changes in our healthcare system as well.  This article is an excerpt taken from “Diabetes: The Real Cause and the Right Cure”, now available in a second edition.

Follow or contact Dr. John at drjohnonhealth.com.

Don’t let Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes control your life – start a delicious new journey to a healthier, happier you today!

Whether you were recently diagnosed or have had Type 2 diabetes for years, this book will open your eyes to new thinking about the real cause and an actual cure based on scientific thinking.

Understanding Dr. John’s explanation for the cause of diabetes opens the door to reversing it. The book provides an easy-to-implement 8-step program that will truly lower your blood sugar for good.

This new edition contains updated information and a new Appendix with over 20 FAQs about diabetes that are critical to your commitment to change your approach to eating.

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