Does Gluten-Free Mean Trouble Free?

An article in The Washington Post in June 2019 revealed that more and more people are using “better-for-you” pasta alternatives that are gluten-free. What is gluten? Why gluten-free? Does gluten-free mean trouble-free?

An article in The Washington Post in June 2019 revealed that more and more people are using “better-for-you” pasta alternatives that are gluten-free. What is gluten? Why gluten-free? Does gluten-free mean trouble-free? 


Gluten is a type of protein present in wheat, rye, barley, and oats. The structure of gluten imparts a chewy quality to the final product. The glue-like nature of gluten allows chefs to mold the final product in desired shapes. Combine this with the low cost of gluten and now you can see chefs all over the world producing different types of pastries, cookies, cakes, cupcakes, and pasta.


But why gluten-free? Watch this short video about gluten:

So what can you do?


  • You can avoid gluten or wheat products if you suspect you are sensitive to gluten.
  • Keep in mind even if you take gluten out, 65 to 70 percent of what is left is complex carbohydrates which will be absorbed into the body as glucose. And it is this excess glucose that is absorbed into the body that is the main driving force of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cancer around the world.
  • You are better off avoiding grains as much as possible to prevent these symptoms or diseases from happening.


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