Coronavirus Treatments Based on Truth, Half-Truth and No Truth

Some people or leaders will suggest treatments based on half-truths, by that I mean medications that are found to be effective in other conditions to be tried here hoping for the best. I suggest in this video my A.P.E. strategy.

Today’s topic is coronavirus treatments based on truth, half-truth or no truth.This is my fifth in a series of talks on coronavirus. 

In any medical condition, the truth based treatment first starts with the hypothesis, then a preliminary study, the pilot study and the peer reviewed controlled novel study showing benefits that outweigh the risks. In the case of coronavirus such a study has not been done. The second way is to collect antibodies from people who have survived the infection, amplify the antibody and inject them into the patient, again that is being attempted now. The third is to have a vaccine. That will take time.

In the meantime, some people or leaders will suggest treatments based on half-truths, by that I mean medications that are found to be effective in other conditions to be tried here hoping for the best. Watch this video to hear my thoughts on these suggestions or continue below to read the transcript.

Examples of Suggested Medications to Fight the Coronavirus

  • Hydroxychloroquine is an anti-malarial drug. It has not been shown to be effective against coronavirus. 
  • Azithromycin is an antibacterial drug. It has not been shown to be effective against coronavirus. 
  • Selenium is a compound that can prevent the entry of Ebola virus into the cell. That has not been shown to be effective against coronavirus. 
  • Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the intensity and duration of flu. That also has not been shown to be specific for coronavirus. 
  • Then there are wishful thinking in the social media based on garlic, essential oil, or zinc. 

In short, there is no approved scientifically proven treatment for coronavirus right now. You may ask why not try the other medications? 

The problem is side effects. For example, hydroxychloroquine can produce severe hypoglycemia in diabetic people taking certain diabetic medications or it can interfere with the function of certain heart medications. You may be putting yourself in danger by taking these without knowing the proper dose. So what are you supposed to do? 

I suggest in the meantime the A.P.E. strategy. 

A is for Avoiding close contact in the community and for Adopting face masks whenever you are in a confined environment with other people. This is to Arrest the spread of the virus.

P is for Practicing and sanitation and Promoting drinking hot beverages frequently to protect self.

E is for eating a variety of vegetables and enjoying spices and herbs to empower your immune system. 

I believe that energetically exercising these strategies, the APE strategy, we can crush the coronavirus in its track. 

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