Coronavirus and Seniors

The virus is not going away and seniors will have to be taken care of appropriately. We will all have to work together to accomplish this.

The average age of the first 425 people diagnosed with coronavirus infection was 59 and the average age of the first 17 people who died was 75. Seniors may show a different set of symptoms; along with cough, fever and breathlessness, they may have reduced appetite, sleeplessness and have an inability to communicate properly.

People who take care of the seniors should be aware of these altered symptoms and take appropriate action. Because of reduced immune response in seniors, if contracted, the infection will progress rapidly. Even seniors who are not infected may be effected by this pandemic. Watch this short video to learn more about how we can help take care of our senior community during this pandemic. Follow below to the transcript.

Even seniors who are not infected may be effected by this pandemic. Anxiety about what is unknown may produce sleepless nights. Isolation may lead to depression. Fear of catching the virus may prevent seniors from seeking needed medical help. So those who care for seniors should be aware of these states and take appropriate action.

Even in a nursing home, the routine of not going to the dining room and back on a regular basis can affect seniors. So a new routine needs to be established starting with adequate exercise, for small periods of time and at frequent intervals. They should be told of entertainment options such as tv or other gadgets and availability of shows, old movies or game shows or travel channels that they can spend time on.

They should be reassured of what is going on and that they are going to be ok. they can do simple exercises in the chair such as breathing exercises, where they concentrate on the movement of the air to take their mind off anxious thoughts. The virus is going to be with us for a few more months and seniors will have to be taken care of appropriately for longer periods of time. We will all have to work together to accomplish this.

Seniors will also need a nutritious diet consisting of many types of vegetables that provide all the necessary nutrients. Together we can face this pandemic. If you like this kind of health information, follow me on Instagram or Facebook @drjohnonhealth.


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