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To Puree or to Chew – Part 2 Chewing connects you with your satiation signals. This is the second part of my argument why chewing is better than pureeing food. In the previous blog, I talked about why pureeing food is not a good choice for your eating habits. I discussed how chewing releases the nutrients in […]
To Puree or to Chew – Part 1 I once saw a nutritionist, in one of the early morning national television news program, exalting the virtues of pureeing edible natural foods for the convenience of consuming nutrients. I thought that the show was intended for those who have lost the faculty of chewing due to […]
Medical Management Through Fear The real tragedy of using medications to control Type 2 diabetes is that it engenders fear. Patients are usually given the scary news that they have an “irreversible and incurable” condition called insulin resistance. Secondly, type 2 diabetes is a “progressive disease.” These messages are presented as if they are clearly […]
Proof of The Link Between Grains and Diabetes In my view, there is very strong evidence in the fact that, everywhere in the world where grains have become or are becoming an increasing staple of the diet, we see a fast-rising incidence of diabetes. Consider these two specific studies. American Indians The prevalence of diabetes […]
Reconnecting With Your Authentic Weight This week’s blog is an excerpt taken from my latest book, “Diabetes: The Real Cause & The Right Cure”. Here I share the introduction to Step 2 of my 8 step program to reverse your diabetes. To learn more, purchase a copy on Amazon at https://goo.gl/D2vCCo. If you want to commit […]
Diabetes May Now Be Third Leading Cause of Death in the US I read today that four times as many deaths may be caused by diabetes than previously thought, according to a recent study by Boston University School of Public Health. This sadly does not surprise me. The authors argued that diabetes causes 12 percent […]
What to Eat to Prevent or Reverse Diabetes – Not All Carbs Are Equally Bad For You Since I am advising against the consumption of grain-based carbohydrate both to prevent or reverse diabetes, you may wonder about plant-based carbohydrate, such as from fruits and vegetables, and how much of those I recommend. First of all, […]
The Link Between Diabetes and Cancer There is a link between diabetes and cancer, though most people are unaware of it, and how it occurs will surprise you. Cancer is the result of uncontrolled growth of cells compared to normal tissue cells. The cause of this uncontrolled growth are gene mutations inside a cell, as […]