Explore Health Insights with Dr. John Poothullil’s Blog Posts
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Yes You Can Lose Weight And Avoid Obesity Related Health Problems Do you worry about obesity and have you been gaining weight slowly over the years? Can I ask you, do you eat a grain-based food with every meal? Possibly you start the day with a bagel for breakfast, then a sandwich for lunch, chips […]
If you read my post, The Health Benefits Of Cooking With Fresh Herbs and Spices, you may be looking for more ways to incorporate spices and fresh herbs into your diet. Here are two recipes that pair wonderfully together in a meal, along with a vegetable or salad of your choice. Be sure to make the […]
I suggest to cook with fresh or dried herbs and spices as often as possible in order for you to obtain all the nutrients that your body needs to remain healthy. This post, an excerpt from my latest book, “Surviving Cancer”, explains why. ***** Recent studies have associated consuming spiced foods for 1 or 2 days […]
The More You Chew, The Better You Control What You Consume How much food you should consume isn’t an exact science. Portion size is different for everybody — and it varies by age, weight, activity level and other factors. In my two-part series blog post, To Puree or To Chew, I discussed how chewing releases the nutrients […]
New research by the University of Melbourne and Cancer Council Victoria, published in NeuroImage: Clinical in 2018 suggested that graphic warnings on junk food packaging would prove an effective deterrent to consumers when deciding what to eat by making people consider the health implications of their choices. But is this true? Before I answer the question, consider the […]
If I had to give you a single recommendation for how to eat without grains or grain products, it would be to substitute lentils into your regular diet in place of them. Lentils have been part of the human diet for almost 5,000 years. Lentils do contain carbohydrate, but they have a low “glycemic index,” […]
This week’s post is the final part of a blog series presenting examples of widely-held beliefs about four topics— dietary fats, cholesterol, sugar, and exercise –that I suggest need to be revised and updated. This is important health information that Americans should be educated about to reduce the rising rates of obesity and diabetes in the US. It is […]
This week’s post is the third part of a blog series presenting examples of widely-held beliefs about four topics— dietary fats, cholesterol, sugar, and exercise –that I suggest need to be revised and updated. This is important health information that Americans should be educated about to reduce the rising rates of obesity and diabetes in the US. […]
This week’s post is the second part of a blog series presenting examples of widely-held beliefs about four topics— dietary fats, cholesterol, sugar, and exercise –that I suggest need to be revised and updated. This is important health information that Americans should be educated about to reduce the rising rates of obesity and diabetes in […]
This week’s post is the first part of a blog series presenting examples of widely-held beliefs about four topics—dietary fats, cholesterol, sugar, and exercise –that I suggest need to be revised and updated. This is important health information that Americans should be educated about to reduce the rising rates of obesity and diabetes in the […]