
Dr. John Poothullil is:
  • Nationally syndicated on radio markets coast to coast and distributed by USA Business Radio.
  • On every major podcast platform including Apple Podcasts, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, Audible, and many more. 
  • Syndicated columnist as part of the Price of Business Digital Network. 

Learn more about the media presence at the USA Daily Postthe archive home of Dr. John Poothullil on the Price of Business Digital Network and USA Business Radio.

September 12, 2024

I was a guest on the podcast via The Dr. Haley Show with Dr.Michael Haley.

September 4, 2024

In the following audio segment, we discuss all things sugar and why natural sugar is the not the culprit for high blood sugar.

August 30, 2024

“Stop dieting and enjoy your food” is my message for controlling your blood sugar. Read to find the answers to many diet-related questions.

August 23, 2024

You can do a lot to ensure you are promoting good bacteria in your body. One way to foster the growth or activity of beneficial bacteria is by eating prebiotics which are compounds nondigestible in the small intestine and feed the colon bacteria

August 16, 2024

In the following audio segment, we discuss Dr. Rao reasons in promoting the steps in my book, Diabetes: The Real Cause & The Right Cure, regardless of the part of the world you live in.

August 9, 2024

Find out how to lose weight by implementing these simple changes to your daily lifestyle.

January 19, 2022

Hello! Thank you for being here. I have missed sending out my weekly blog but I have been very busy working on my 5th book, Your Health Is At Risk, is now available on Amazon! Before I tell you about what drove me to publish my 5th book, I wanted to extend my appreciation also […]

December 24, 2020

The Sugar Crash After Christmas — An Adaptation Repost Twas’ the night before Xmas when all through the houseEveryone was celebrating, even the mouse.  The table was set with grandiose care,With pies, cakes and lots of sweet fare.   After eating, the children nestled snug in their bedsDreaming of puddings, candies, and buttery corn breads.   Christmas […]

December 16, 2020

In my new animated video, I explain how cancer cells thrive on glucose. The main source of glucose is found in our modern diet full or grains and grain-flour products.

December 2, 2020

My interview with Wave Publication, is reposted below.COVID-19 May Contribute to the Diabetes Epidemic Rx REPORT By Marie Y. Lemelle Contributing Writer November, known for the Thanksgiving holiday feasts and Black Friday sales, also is designated as National Diabetes Awareness Month. While the world fights against the spread of the coronavirus, more than 463 million […]