Dr. John

Dr. John Poothullil is:
  • Nationally syndicated on radio markets coast to coast and distributed by USA Business Radio.
  • On every major podcast platform including Apple Podcasts, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, Audible, and many more. 
  • Syndicated columnist as part of the Price of Business Digital Network. 

Learn more about the media presence at the USA Daily Postthe archive home of Dr. John Poothullil on the Price of Business Digital Network and USA Business Radio.

July 24, 2020

约翰 Poothullil 博士:挑战你对2型糖尿病的假设 通过20年来的医学文献研究2型糖尿病作为一名医生, 改善每个人的健康一直是我最大的灵感。我有关于糖尿病的新发现, 我想与你分享在这个有趣的和容易理解的动画视频。我还敦促你买我的书 (http://bit.ly/DiabetesRealCause), 这样你也可以发现8步骤, 以健康的生活没有糖尿病。一定要与你认识的人分享这段视频, 或者是关心糖尿病的人。

July 24, 2020

Echa un repaso a este sencillo vídeo de animación que había creado para acompañarte a través de la nutrición y cómo mantener tu peso auténtico. Obtenga más información en http://bit.ly/DiabetesRealCause.

July 24, 2020

看看这个简单的动画视频, 我已经创建, 以步行你通过营养和如何保持你的真实体重。在 http://bit.ly/DiabetesRealCause 学习更多。

July 24, 2020

Dr. John on Health Simply Talks Cancer

July 22, 2020

In April, I had a second interview with Marsha Wietecha on Born To Talk , this time to discuss the Coronavirus. We covered a great deal of information on the show.

July 15, 2020

The virus is not going away and seniors will have to be taken care of appropriately. We will all have to work together to accomplish this.

July 7, 2020

I wish I could say that this is old news, but as Covid-19 continues to grow in areas with high populations of type 2, you should listen to this interview.

June 30, 2020

I was fortunate to be interviewed by Thrive Global and we discussed why you should read the fine print.

June 24, 2020

At least ten different clinical trials are going on to identify a vaccine for COVID-19 yet we will not have a vaccine at least for a year or more.

June 16, 2020

I really enjoyed my interview on the show “The Bright Side” earlier this week. We discussed the immune system and what we can do besides freak out.